Hi! 歡迎來到William的薩克屋~

大家好, 我是William, 在這裡有我對於音樂, 生活, 信仰, 以及個人的一些感想與記錄, 還有我的相簿以及我老婆Kate的相簿, 請大家隨意走走吧~ 願神祝福你們!

2012年9月5日 星期三


這是威廉這次在世界薩克斯風年會(WSC, 首演台灣作曲家許雅民教授的作品---生命的交會處-穿越黑暗 (Crisscross-Break through the Darkness) 的演出影片.

附上演出的節目單以及作曲家所寫的中文曲解, 希望大家會喜歡!
威廉也期待有一天能在台灣, 美國以及其他國家演出這首曲目, 讓更多的人能聽到, 能感受到這首充滿創意與生命力的樂曲! 

在此也要再次感謝作曲家許教授在百忙之中願意為威廉作曲 (詳情請看上一篇網誌---第16屆世界薩克斯風年會 (World Saxophone Congress XVI)), 唯有更多優秀的台灣作曲家願意為薩克斯風寫下好的作品, 世界的各個角落才能聽到更多充滿台灣特色的聲音!

The Buchanan Theatre 12:30 pm

Crisscross - Break through the Darkness
By Yaming Hsu (Taiwan)

This work is a dialogue between saxophones and electronic music. The composer tries to convey a common experience of facing temptation and a power of breaking through this chaotic world. The overall style is improvisational. The beginning section is a saxophone solo and expresses the conflict and distortion from the heart. The electronic music represents temptation from the world. Sometimes it interacts with sax in an ultimate and concordance balance, but sometimes in a conflict and isolated world. The place of crisscross is where a survival heart is.  In composition, this piece brings a concerto-like atmosphere.  Various timbers are used and combined here, such as overtones, trills, glissando and air tunes. Through the open notation, performer is treated as participator of composition, who is allowed to improvise and to make decision on certain part of the music. Performer is also act like an actor to speak to the world (electronic music). Every performance is an individual interpretation to a life experience and no performing edition can be possible the same in spirit.

William Chien   Alto Saxophone

A native of Taipei, Taiwan, saxophonist William Chien ever performed and gave concerts in U.S.A (North American Saxophone Allience Conference, 2009), France (Habanera International Academy, 2004), Japan (OCC Music Center, 2009) and Taiwan.  In 2005, Mr. Chien won the 1st prize in Taiwan national saxophone competition.  In 2005, Mr. Chien received his master degree from the Boston Conservatory, where he studied with professor Kenneth Radnofsky.  Currently, Mr. Chien is a Teaching Fellow for the saxophone studio at the University of North Texas, where he is pursuing his doctorate of musical arts degree under the instruction of Dr. Eric Nestler. 

I hope all of you enjoy the premiere of this piece, may the Lord always bless you in your musical journey~ William Chien
